Investigation of accumulator response in hydraulic system - WD0002 - WD7

Description The use of compressed air storage systems ( CASE) are a current area of investigation to enable cost effective medium to large energy storage solutions to off set issues with intermittent renewable enegry generation. One method of compression is liquid piston compression which lends itself to spray cooling and the ability to achieve isothermal compression and hence less work input. The project will examine this concept and the requirements to achieve it. The project will involve development of thermodynamic models for the process, implementation into a solver ( mathcad, Matlab or other) and analysis of the system with the intention of developing a design method. There is room for a number of projects involving this type of system, including the build of a small experimental rig. Further information to get an idea of teh context can be found from teh following reference. 'Thermal analysis of near-isothermal compressed gas energy storage system , Odukomaiya, Applied Energy Volume 179, 1 October 2016, Pages 948-960 Key Objectives The objectives would be specific to the project but could involve some or all of the following (i) Review of CASE for small scale applications and review of isothermal compression processes (ii) Development of zero dimensional model for isothermal compression using air and a liquid piston compression process. ( see attached notes) (iii) Development of appropriate heat transfer models for droplet, wall and pool heat transfer (iv) Energy analysis of system and determination of key design and operational parameters.