Description The buoyancy-driven motion of bubbles rising through a viscoelastic liquid is a phenomenon relevant to many natural processes and industrial applications and it has been an active subject of research over the past decades. Despite the numerous experimental studies available, the complex dynamics of these systems are not yet completely understood. In recent years, advances made in the numerical modelling of multiphase flows have partially allowed to overcome limitations imposed by experimental campaigns, and several numerical work have been sprouting over the past few years. The present project aims at investigating the dynamics of single rising bubble in a viscoelastic fluid considering different constitutive models, i.e., considering different types of viscoelastic fluids. Key Objectives At the end of the project, the student is expected to:

have a good understanding of multiphase interfacial flows and viscoelastic modelling. know how to set and postprocess multiphase interfacial flow problems in OpenFOAM. have completed a number of simulations and investigated the effect of various flow parameters and different viscoelastic models. be able provide a sound interpretation of the results obtained.